How about hopping a train to Paris and then driving around the damn thing twice?
That is a picture I took from the driver's seat of a car I was driving, on Champs D'Elysses. You know, the most famous road in the world, just about. And despite the critics out there of my driving, I made it through the circle around AdT, one of the trickiest anywhere, with minimal problemage.
Anyway, no need to go into details, but let's just say I took myself on a driving tour of the city, with able guidance from shotgun. And then I walked to...The Pompidou. That's in Paris. The French, they're much more laid back about their art. (The two of you who get this should be laughing hysterically, the rest should find "Modern Art" by Art Brut.) Sadly no pieces by Matisse to run at.
And one more Paris shot:
The Fountain of St. Michel. Notice the color coordination between shoes and jacket.
Anyway, after the extra day in Paris, I rode on an overnight train to Narbonne, a seemingly tiny city near the French Riviera, and then transferred onto a train to Barcelona. I have now traveled overnight on 4 trains, each of them with a different setup. The best was probably Milan to Barcelona, with 4 sleepers that came out of the wall and were real comfy like. The couchette from Lausanne to Rome was ok when I had a bed on top, the couchs on the bottom were a little too narrow even for me. The sleeperette from Barca to Paris consisted of a chair that reclined really far...surprisingly it worked. Paris to Narbonne was most nerve-racking because A) I was in a coach with 5 other guys, and at least 3 looked like they'd take your money so much as they look at you, and B) I had to make sure to not miss my stop. While the conductor did pop his head in 10 minutes before arrival at Narbonne, I do declare that I had already woken up. My body clock is a charm.
The flight from Barcelona to Prague was more of a hassle. Apparently flying cheap means flying cheap: the lines were a mess, the plane went off an hour and a half late, any drink beyond the first you had to pay for, etc. On the plus side, they let me bring both bags on (I've relearned my lesson), and conveniently missed my 5.9 euro French toothpaste in the scanner (as well as my 9 euro French deodorant...yes, I've been using French deodorant).
Got into Prague, walked around it at night, when it is most beautiful. Something about the colors and the lights, it is all really pretty, and I have pictures, but they're not showing up. So maybe that's a sign to save a full Prague post for tomorrow night when I'm planning to stay up until the 6 am train to Vienna Friday morning, free with my railpass. Cuz that's how I roll.
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